Adressing Conflicts

- Do you describe yourself as a harmony addict?
- Do you tend to put your will aside so it doesn't compete with other people's will?
- Do you get scared quickly when there is a conflict and do you try to please everyone?
- Does it unsettle you when someone close to you has a completely different opinion from yours?
- Do you sometimes feel left out or not seen but prefer to say nothing to avoid starting a fight and then suffer the alienation that sets in?
- Do you often swallow anger and disappointment instead of addressing it?
- Or do you quickly feel right and tend to vehemently defend your point of view and reject any criticism or different opinion?
Conflicts happen in every relationship. It is impossible to be close without a conflict arising at some point, no matter how "small" and seemingly unimportant, such as the famous argument over washing dishes, which is in fact about something else. Naming the conflict and addressing what bothers you often takes courage. All too often we have experienced that conflicts are carried out with a lot of anger and hurt and that relationships, both professional and private, break up, from which we could conclude that conflicts are harmful in themselves and should be avoided. However, the fact that conflicts are a natural part of every relationship and can also be dealt with in a fair and respectful manner is a new experience for many people. Adressing conflicts in a nonviolent and respectful way makes a deeper trust possible. If the ability to deal with conflict is an issue for you, we can discuss together in coaching what is it you find particularly difficult and what you need in order to deal with conflict situations confidently. You can train yourself to be open and respectful and still determined in conflicts.